Thursday, 21 June 2007


Quick update on progress to help me get use to this blog.

Not being a particuarly experienced cyclist, have taken some advice from a friends brother, who owns a cycle shop in Lutterworth. Have to give him a plug because he did me a good deal( He politely told me that i was mad to attempt the trip on my mountain bike, and preceded to tell me tales of other cyclists he knew who had done it, and how miserable they had found it, particuarly the hills! In my heart of hearts i knew this to be the case. Therefore didnt take much persuading to buy an alternative, which turned out to be a bright and shiny metallic grey coloured Scott sub 30 complete with rack and paniers. The bike has the description 'speed utility bike' on the side.

Wasnt able to get the bike back until the weekend and had intended to ride it home from Lutterworth (approx 15 miles) but with the weather so foul... it came home in the back of the car. Well i didnt want to get it wet straight away! Did take it out the next day though, and what a difference it was from my mountaing bike. It felt like i was flying. Told myself not to use the low gears until Scotland. The only problem was the saddle began to drop, and ended the ride peddling with my knees around my ears. There is about another five weeks until we set off, and much more confident about the daily mileage on this bike and keeping up with shaun. Reckon a few decent long rides between now and then and will be fine.

What about the rest of our plans? Shaun has sorted out our travel arrangments. Involves a flight from Heathrow to Inverness, then train the following day to Wick. Its then about 18 miles cycle to JoG. Also have our sponsorship site set up, so if you havent sponsored and would like to, it would be most appreciated ( Have sorted a route, which turned out to be relatively straightforward really. It is obviously a well trod route, so it was just a matter of internet research over the wet bank holiday on the way others have been. For accomadation, the majority will be at Youth Hostels - a first for both of us, so that will be interesting- B&B's and a couple of travel lodges. Once confirmed I will post the exact route. The intention is to try and keep this updated as regular as possible to allow people to stay in touch with how we are doing.


Unknown said...

Hello Rodders: does being "...mid thirties plus..." mean you're actually forty? Every best wish for your trip. - David

dennis said...

Hi Guys
Hope the 'Bottoms' are surviving the riggers of this test.

Will endevour to meet up with you both somewhere in Worcestershire

Best wishes