From Inverness to Glen Nevis
Distance travelled: 70 miles
Ave Speed: 11.2mph
Max speed: 32.4mph
Weather: Sunny intervals for most of the day, rain at end. Headwind all the way
Cycling time: 6 hours 10 mins
Total distance so far: 194 miles
Nice big beakfast at Morrisons to start the day and then onto Halfords to stock up on inner tubes. (Thanks Richard for your comment). Got away at 9.20 heading for Loch Ness. Soon came to realise that today was going to be tough as we were cycling into a headwind, which was pretty much continuous throughout.

The ride along Loch Ness was fantastic and sitting by Uruquhart Castle having our mid morning snack we had another fly past by the jet planes. At one stage Shaun thought he found Nessie, but I wasnt so will have to make your own minds up!

We both came to realise today when riding into the windhow much effort could be saved by riding closely behind the one in front (without telling each other!) During this time we made up a little poem, and it went something like this....
Click, Click, Click go our gears
Round, Round, Round go our wheels
Riding to our destination
Heads down, into the wind with determination
All the Best from Shaun and Rob
(Dont forget to add your comments of support / abuse !)
come on - thought you would have finished by now...................................................................
lots of love lily and gracie xx
Stop using delay tactics and just get on with it!! punctures indeed!!
Mummy xxx
Hi guys, poets as well as everything else! Well done
Larry and Martha x
Keep going guys, you're doing great! Ben (Scurr).
daddy & Uncle rob 'it takes a long time but it is good that you are doing it' Love Jonah heres a joke 'why did the banana go to the doctors? cos he wasn't feeling well!! Miss you love jonah
Daddy i saw the monster and i liked it. Is it a boy or a girl and is it friendly? heres the banana joke again as mummy typed it in wrong! Why did the banana go to the doctors? Cos he wasn't PEELING WELL!ha ha ha!!! love Jonah
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