From Tarbet to Glasgow
Distance Travelled 38 miles
Ave speed:11.8 mph
Max speed: 24.6 mph
Weather: Sunny intervals and light wind.
Cycling time :3 hours 11 mins
Total Distance so far: 305 miles
Distance Travelled 38 miles
Ave speed:11.8 mph
Max speed: 24.6 mph
Weather: Sunny intervals and light wind.
Cycling time :3 hours 11 mins
Total Distance so far: 305 miles
Having rested well and been well looked after by Jim at the Old Toll House at Tarbet, we left our B&B soon after 9.00am on the road to Glasgow.
Until yet again we were hit by tyre problems. This time it brought the score to 3-2 as Shaun had his second puncture!
This was now getting quite worrying as it was again the back tyre, and there appeared to be no apparent reason. During the repairs the midges again descended in force and enjoyed a hearty breakfast on us!
Once back on the road we made good progress into the outskirts of Glasgow. It felt to both of us, quite strange to be out of the mountains and back in built up areas.
We picked up the cycle path to Glasgow that followed the Clyde, and were thinking about finding a Halfords to solve Shaun's mystery punctures, when quite by chance we came across a cycle shop - Magic Cycles.
The owner kindly looked over the wheel and confirmed what we had thought, that there was no real reason. He said it was more than likely being caused by not enough pressure in the tyre, and a combination of luggage and bumpy roads. A new inner tube and tyres pumped up to the max, saw us on our grateful way.
A further 10 miles along the canal path saw us arrive in Central Glasgow. We quite easily found our destination, which was Rob's friend's flat near the University of Glasgow (thanks very much Dave for the use of your flat - shame you could'nt make the party - only joking we're too tired!)
We have an early start tomorrow, as we try and find our way through Glasgow, during the morning rush hour. And it looks like being wet!
Thanks for your comments - keep them coming its good to know you are following our adventure!
Reaching Glasgow is a big step on your journey south - you're doing well. It's turned hot down south; I'm not sure what is worse, the heat or the midges. Sorry to hear about the punctures, maybe it has something to do with the extra weight of all your gear. The pictures and chat on your JOG2LE are great. Are you lugging a laptop round with you? Larry
Big up the pompey massive. goals flying in from all angles in recent pre-season games. You doing great both of you. bet you'll come back with a limp! looking like John Regis. Drive it on Boy's X Love Pete & Tara
dear daddy
we saw 30 scarecrows 2 day at hayling island have you seen any? we saw the carnival floats with Zac and Chloe have you eat any kendal mint cake?
come on England - no snipers here
Love jOnah angel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is an amazing journey! well done for having the energy left to record it for us all to read!!!!
Kate (Janice's colleague from le Court)
Help.I`ve got the german blogsite.Can`t understand a flippin` word.Hope this gets through.
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